North Iceland & Jewels Of The British Isles

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Reykjavik, Iceland - Isafjordur, Iceland - Akureyri, Iceland - Vopnafjorour, Iceland - Kirkwall - Dover (London), England - Portland, England - St Malo (Le Mont Saint Michel), France - Fishguard, Wales, United Kingdom - Douglas, Isle of Man - Belfast, Northern Ireland - Rothesay, Isle of Bute - Oban, UK - Ullapool - Edinburgh (from Newhaven), Scotland - Newcastle, Tyne, England - Great Yarmouth, England, United Kingdom - Dover (London), England
Fecha 1

31 Aug '24

Reykjavik, Iceland
Warmed by the Gulf Stream as well as by highly active thermal hot springs and volcanoes, Iceland is somewhat misnamed. While it is a stark and barren country with three huge areas of glaciers, one theory is that early Norsemen sought to mislead other potential settlers by giving a pleasant name to fierce, inhospitable Greenland, and a forbidding name to the imminently habitable Iceland. Irish monks and hermits established themselves here in the 8th century, but left a century later when the pagan Norsemen arrived. Europe’s first Parliament of General Assembly, the Althing, was established in the year 930 and still functions as the legislative body, although it was suspended by the Danes at the end of the 18th century and not reconvened until 1843. Reykjavik was the site picked by the island’s first permanent resident, Ingolfur Arnarson in 874, and is home to more than half of the island’s total population. The world’s northernmost capital, Reykjavik is proud of its virtual lack of air pollution. Both electrical power and home heating are derived from the geothermal activity on the island. The city’s large swimming pools are always warm, and in the countryside exotic fruits such as grapes and bananas are cultivated in greenhouses made cozy with the help of underground hot springs. Less More




Fecha 2

01 Sep '24

Isafjordur, Iceland
Like most Icelandic towns, this one on the northwest coast was started by fisherman and whalers. The name means ice-fjord. It is a perfect place from which to explore the cultural and economic staples of Iceland. An excursion to Sudavik reveals a town started by whalers and nearly destroyed by an avalanche in 1995, now rebuilt out of the path of further slides. Its lovely church was donated by whalers, as well. The own also holds a center for the study of the indigenous arctic foxes. The Maritime Museum in Isafjordur illustrates the lifestyles of the early inhabitants, including many implements of their trades, and also a wall of accordions, one of the few forms of entertainment on bygone days. Another option is a boat ride to nearby Vigur island, a nesting site for many species of seabirds, including eider ducks, whose down is yet another example of local economy based on the surrounding seas. Less More




Fecha 3

02 Sep '24

Akureyri, Iceland
Akureyri is the second largest urban area in Iceland with a population of around 18,000. Nicknamed ‘The Capital of the North,’ it is situated at the head of Eyjafjörður, the longest fjord in Iceland, only 62 miles (100 km) from the Arctic Circle. Surrounded by snow-streaked mountains, the Akureyri hills flourish in summer with a profusion of arctic wildflowers. Mt. Kerling is the highest peak visible from town, at 5,064’ (1,538 m). Often cloudy, with a mild climate, Akureyri has much less precipitation than its southern counterpart Reykjavik. It is a cultured city, with a university, numerous galleries, museums, art exhibitions, and live theater performances. Nearby Hrísey Island is a spectacularly beautiful and peaceful island often called ‘The Pearl of Eyjafjörður,’ with an atmosphere of calm and settled tranquility. Numerous Atlantic puffins fly overhead, and the occasional whale is seen traversing the fjord. Less More




Fecha 4

03 Sep '24

Vopnafjorour, Iceland




Fecha 5

04 Sep '24

At Sea




Fecha 6

05 Sep '24

Kirkwall is the largest town of Orkney, an archipelago to the north of mainland Scotland. The name Kirkwall comes from the Norse name Kirkjuvágr, which later changed to Kirkvoe, Kirkwaa and Kirkwall. Less More




Fecha 7

06 Sep '24

At Sea




Fecha 8

07 Sep '24

Dover (London), England
Crossing the English Channel from continental Europe to Great Britain, the first view of England is the milky-white strip of land called the White Cliffs of Dover. As you get closer, the coastline unfolds before you in all its striking beauty. White chalk cliffs with streaks of black flint rise straight from the sea to a height of 350’ (110 m). Numerous archaeological finds reveal people were present in the area during the Stone Age. Yet the first record of Dover is from Romans, who valued its close proximity to the mainland. A mere 21 miles (33 km) separate Dover from the closest point in France. A Roman-built lighthouse in the area is the tallest Roman structure still standing in Britain. The remains of a Roman villa with the only preserved Roman wall mural outside of Italy are another unique survivor from ancient times which make Dover one of a kind. Less More




Fecha 9

08 Sep '24

Portland, England
Portland Island and the resort town of Weymouth are connected by a 5-mile (8 km) long neck of white sand known as Chesil Beach. Renowned as the finest example of a barrier-type beach in Europe, Chesil Beach was formed 10,000 years ago as glaciers receded and sea levels rose. The rugged coastline of Dorset and the many attractions in the area are what make Weymouth such a popular vacation destination. The Old Harbour of Weymouth is an excellent Georgian-style harbor and one of the prettiest in Europe. It bustles with activity from large catamarans, fishing boats and yachts. Weymouth Sea Life Adventure Park displays over 1,000 incredible sea creatures including sea turtles, crabs, octopuses and sharks. The nearby Abbotsbury Sub-Tropical Gardens is an impressive walled garden set in 20 acres (8 hectares) of woodland. Portland Island offers stunning views across the Chesil Beach, Portland Harbour, Fleet Lagoon and Weymouth. The little egret, once a rare bird in Britain, is now regularly seen along these shores. Less More




Fecha 10

09 Sep '24

St Malo (Le Mont Saint Michel), France
Saint-Malo is a port city in Brittany, in France’s northwest. Tall granite walls surround the old town, which was once a stronghold for privateers (pirates approved by the king). The Saint-Malo Cathedral, in the center of the old town, is built in Romanesque and Gothic styles and features stained-glass windows depicting city history. Nearby is La Demeure de Corsaire, an 18th-century privateer’s house and museum. Less More




Fecha 11

10 Sep '24

At Sea




Fecha 12

11 Sep '24

Fishguard, Wales, United Kingdom
Fishguard’s name in Welsh is Abergwaun, meaning the mouth of the River Gwaun. The English name comes from an Old Norse word for a fish trap, and indeed the community has profited from catching and drying herring for centuries. It has remained remarkably unchanged physically over the years. The waterfront has a traditional feel like many others in Pembrokeshire. At first glance, nothing would indicate that this is the site of the last invasion of Britain by a foreign power. But a bicentenary stone recalls the day in 1797 when 1400 French revolutionary troops landed here, only to be routed by the local folk, including a heroic woman shoemaker named Jemima Nicholas, who rounded up more than a dozen dismayed invaders while armed with a pitchfork. A large tapestry depicting the struggle is on display in the Fishguard Town Hall. The surrounding South Wales countryside is dotted with medieval castles, some impressive, such as Pembroke and Picton Castles, and others little more than scenically sited ruins. Cardigan also has a notable garden called Dyffryn Fernant, and St. David’s boasts an impressive early cathedral and a Bishop’s Palace. Prehistoric Pembrokeshire is represented by the Pentre Ifan Burial Chamber, a massive dolmen with an intact 15-ton capstone made of the same type of rock that formed the inner sanctum of Stonehenge. Less More




Fecha 13

12 Sep '24

Douglas, Isle of Man
Douglas is the capital of the Isle of Man. Mann, as it is also called, is a British Crown Dependency, with its own parliament and postage stamps (a popular souvenir). Here visitors can sample means of transport ranging from horse-drawn trams, to steam trains and the high-speed motorcycles that compete in the renowned Isle of Man TT races. In summer the town maintains much of the seaside resort charm of an earlier period, including the Victorian-era Grand Union Camera Obscura, now restored for your amusement. Less More




Fecha 14

13 Sep '24

Belfast, Northern Ireland
Belfast, Northern Ireland’s largest urban area is situated on Ireland’s eastern coast. To the northwest, the city is flanked by hills, including Cavehill, thought to be Jonathan Swift’s inspiration for his novel, “Gulliver’s Travels.” Belfast’s location is ideal for the shipbuilding industry that once made it famous. The Titanic was built here in 1912, at the largest shipyard in the world. Until the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 was reached, the worst of Ireland’s “troubles” was experienced in Belfast, which suffered almost half the conflict’s resulting deaths. Since that time, however, Belfast’s city center has emerged into an attractive pedestrian-oriented environment with street musicians and the like, and a revitalized river front. Less More




Fecha 15

14 Sep '24

Rothesay, Isle of Bute
Rothesay, standing along the Firth of Clyde, presents the visitor with a combination of illustrious gardens and grand architecture. The magnificent ruins of Rothesay Castle, which date from the 13th century, are what most people visualize when they think of a medieval castle. With a drawbridge, encircling moat, immense circular curtain wall and tall stone towers, Rothesay is unique in Scotland for its circular plan. The ruins of St Blane’s Chapel, a 6th century monastery, sit atop a hill with views over the Sound of Bute. For true elegance, visit the country estate of Mount Stuart House with its colonnaded Marble Hall and extraordinary Marble Chapel. Built in the late 1870’s in the Gothic Revivalist style, it was constructed of reddish-brown stone and houses a library of 25,000 books. The Ardencraig Gardens, sitting atop Canada Hill, feature a walled garden and exotic aviary. Ascog Hall Fernery, located on the grounds of a baronial-style house from 1844, is a beautiful garden with the oldest ferns in Britain. Less More




Fecha 16

15 Sep '24

Oban, UK
Oban is a small town on the west coast of Scotland. The site began as a small fishing outpost and has been occupied as such for literally thousands of years. Rural in its roots, the modern-day village of Oban grew around the famed whisky distillery founded in 1794. Renowned for its 14-year-old malt whisky, the Oban distillery has become a tourist attraction, drawing many visitors to the area. The quiet, rural feel of Oban is responsible for the abundance of wildlife within the town boundaries. Here grey seals can be spotted swimming in the harbor or resting along the shore. A wide variety of land and seabirds are found throughout the area. On occasion dolphins and river otters also visit. A beautiful balance exists between this small town and the natural environment surrounding it, where the sounds of nature mingle with the melody of the streets. Less More




Fecha 17

16 Sep '24

Ullapool is a village of around 1,500 inhabitants in Ross and Cromarty, Scottish Highlands, located around 45 miles north-west of Inverness. Despite its small size it is the largest settlement for many miles around, and an important port and tourist destination. Less More




Fecha 18

17 Sep '24

At Sea




Fecha 19

18 Sep '24

Edinburgh (from Newhaven), Scotland
Newhaven, about two miles north of the Edinburgh city center on the Firth of Forth, is an historic harbor from which to visit Scotland’s stately capital. Once an important fishing and shipbuilding community, Newhaven is a conservation area with unique vernacular architecture using a forestair to access a house’s first floor living area, above a ground floor traditionally used for storing nets. The town’s Victoria Primary School is the oldest operating primary school in the United Kingdom. Edinburgh is perennially listed among the most attractive and interesting cities in Europe. Its patrician skyline bristles with steeples and spires between the Castle Rock and Carlton Hill. Both the Old Town and New Town are inscribed by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. The city’s seven hills guard an immensely rich heritage of architectural and historic buildings, districts and streets to delight visitors. Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Palace, the Royal Mile and the Princes Street Gardens area are world-renowned. The noble Scottish National Parliament, City Chambers, Law Courts and Scottish National Gallery are equally prestigious sights. A university city, Edinburgh nurtures a vibrant arts and cultural community, a spirited nightlife and a burgeoning culinary scene. A year-round agenda of celebrated festivals add further appeal for visitors. Less More




Fecha 20

19 Sep '24

Newcastle, Tyne, England
Newcastle upon Tyne, clinging to the north bank of the River Tyne, grew around the Roman settlement Pons Aelius and was named after the castle built here in 1080 by William the Conqueror’s eldest son, Robert Curthose. The port developed in the 16th century, quickly becoming one of the world’s largest shipbuilding centers. Newcastle harbors a spirited mix of heritage and urban sophistication. Among its ultra-modern structures, is the beautiful refined curve of the Gateshead Millennium suspension bridge, one of seven major bridges that cross The Tyne. The modern reflective, spherical-profile of the Sage Gateshead Concert Hall contrasts greatly with the distinguished vertical columns of the traditional-style Theatre Royal, located in Grainger Town, the historic center of Newcastle. Less More




Fecha 21

20 Sep '24

Great Yarmouth, England, United Kingdom




Fecha 22

21 Sep '24

Dover (London), England
Crossing the English Channel from continental Europe to Great Britain, the first view of England is the milky-white strip of land called the White Cliffs of Dover. As you get closer, the coastline unfolds before you in all its striking beauty. White chalk cliffs with streaks of black flint rise straight from the sea to a height of 350’ (110 m). Numerous archaeological finds reveal people were present in the area during the Stone Age. Yet the first record of Dover is from Romans, who valued its close proximity to the mainland. A mere 21 miles (33 km) separate Dover from the closest point in France. A Roman-built lighthouse in the area is the tallest Roman structure still standing in Britain. The remains of a Roman villa with the only preserved Roman wall mural outside of Italy are another unique survivor from ancient times which make Dover one of a kind. Less More




Barco - Seabourn Sojourn

El segundo de la nueva clase de Seabourn de buques, Seabourn Sojourn, también fue construido en T. Mariotti patio en Génova. Su debut fue el 6 de junio de 2010, en el medio del Río Támesis en Londres. La Madrina de Seabourn Sojourn fue la Inglesa icono de la moda y actriz Twiggy. Al igual que sus hermanas, Seabourn Sojourn encanta a sus huéspedes con una gran variedad de áreas públicas a escala para fomentar una relajada sociabilidad. Una de las características más singulares del Seabourn Sojourn y sus hermanas es la Plaza de Seabourn, una ingeniosa “sala de estar”, que reemplaza el vestíbulo tradicional del barco de crucero con un salón acogedor lleno de sillones, sofás y mesas de cóctel. Un enclave en su centro alberga conserjes conocedores discretamente sentados en escritorios individuales, listo para manejar todo tipo de negocios o dar asesoramiento e información. Las tiendas de la nave están convenientemente situadas justo al lado de la plaza y tienen su propia terraza al aire libre a popa. El Spa de Seabourn es el más grande en cualquier barco de ultra-lujo, 11.400 metros cuadrados que abarca el espacio interior y exterior a través de dos cubiertas. Una variedad de terrazas abiertas están dispersas en siete cubiertas, ofreciendo lugares para reunirse con unos amigos o pasar una hora aislada con un libro. El Seabourn Sojourn ofrece seis jacuzzis y dos piscinas, incluyendo la piscina del patio, con un par de grandes bañeras de hidromasaje y una “playa” piscina de estilo, un ambiente informal Patio Grill y el Bar Patio. En la terraza de arriba se puede sentar al aire libre en el popular Seabourn Sky Bar. En lo alto de la cubierta 11 hay una terraza con 36 tumbonas dobles con gradas. Apenas detrás de esto esta El Retiro, con canchas de tejo y un putting green de nueve hoyos. La Observación bar panorámico en el Deck 10 ofrece 270 visitas hacia adelante sobre el mar. El Club es un lugar animado para bailar antes y después de la cena, mientras que el más grande Gran Salón se utiliza para bailar, así como para conferencias, espectáculos, actuaciones vocales de producción de cabaret y recitales clásicos.

Salon de Belleza
Tratamientos Faciales
Piscina de Talasoterapia

Servicio de Habitaciones
Patio Grill (Asador)
Bar Sky
The Colonnade
The Restaurant 2

Cubierta de Deportes

  • Descripción

    El segundo de la nueva clase de Seabourn de buques, Seabourn Sojourn, también fue construido en T. Mariotti patio en Génova. Su debut fue el 6 de junio de 2010, en el medio del Río Támesis en Londres. La Madrina de Seabourn Sojourn fue la Inglesa icono de la moda y actriz Twiggy. Al igual que sus hermanas, Seabourn Sojourn encanta a sus huéspedes con una gran variedad de áreas públicas a escala para fomentar una relajada sociabilidad. Una de las características más singulares del Seabourn Sojourn y sus hermanas es la Plaza de Seabourn, una ingeniosa “sala de estar”, que reemplaza el vestíbulo tradicional del barco de crucero con un salón acogedor lleno de sillones, sofás y mesas de cóctel. Un enclave en su centro alberga conserjes conocedores discretamente sentados en escritorios individuales, listo para manejar todo tipo de negocios o dar asesoramiento e información. Las tiendas de la nave están convenientemente situadas justo al lado de la plaza y tienen su propia terraza al aire libre a popa. El Spa de Seabourn es el más grande en cualquier barco de ultra-lujo, 11.400 metros cuadrados que abarca el espacio interior y exterior a través de dos cubiertas. Una variedad de terrazas abiertas están dispersas en siete cubiertas, ofreciendo lugares para reunirse con unos amigos o pasar una hora aislada con un libro. El Seabourn Sojourn ofrece seis jacuzzis y dos piscinas, incluyendo la piscina del patio, con un par de grandes bañeras de hidromasaje y una “playa” piscina de estilo, un ambiente informal Patio Grill y el Bar Patio. En la terraza de arriba se puede sentar al aire libre en el popular Seabourn Sky Bar. En lo alto de la cubierta 11 hay una terraza con 36 tumbonas dobles con gradas. Apenas detrás de esto esta El Retiro, con canchas de tejo y un putting green de nueve hoyos. La Observación bar panorámico en el Deck 10 ofrece 270 visitas hacia adelante sobre el mar. El Club es un lugar animado para bailar antes y después de la cena, mientras que el más grande Gran Salón se utiliza para bailar, así como para conferencias, espectáculos, actuaciones vocales de producción de cabaret y recitales clásicos.

  • Para Relajarse

    Salon de Belleza
    Tratamientos Faciales
    Piscina de Talasoterapia

  • Comida y bebida

    Servicio de Habitaciones
    Patio Grill (Asador)
    Bar Sky
    The Colonnade
    The Restaurant 2

  • Deportes

    Cubierta de Deportes



    Todas las Suite con vista al mar cuentan con una amplia zona de estar cómoda. Una cama queen size o dos camas individuales. Mesa de comedor para dos personas. Vestier. Televisión interactiva de pantalla plana con música y películas. Bar bien surtido. Tocador para maquillarse. Amplio cuarto de baño con bañera y ducha separadas.


    Veranda Guarantee For F&F/TA/Interline


    Seabourn Suite Guarantee For F&F/TA/Interline
