Greek Treasures & Dalmatian Coast

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Piraeus (Athens), Greece - Mykonos, Greece - Dikili (Pergamum), Turkey - Bodrum, Turkey - Kusadasi (Ephesus), Turkey - Sami, Cephalonia, Greece - Kerkira, Corfu, Greece - Rovinj, Croatia - Venice, Italy - Koper, Slovenia - Opatija, Croatia - Dubrovnik, Croatia - Kotor, Montenegro - Durres - Lipari, Italy - Amalfi, Italy - Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy
Fecha 1

12 Mayo '24

Piraeus (Athens), Greece
Piraeus has been the port for Athens since 482 BC. The busy harbor is filled with ferries and cruise ships making their way to the Greek Islands and other Mediterranean cities. The busy metropolis of Athens and its treasure trove of antiquities lie just a few miles from the port. Even as the reality of the modern city took hold, with its high-rise apartments, crowded sidewalks and bustling traffic, the beauty of the Acropolis, the outstanding museums, charming cafés, sidewalk markets and startling views come together in a cultural mosaic for all to enjoy. Less More




Fecha 2

13 Mayo '24

Mykonos, Greece
The quintessential Greek island of Mykonos is marked by whitewashed houses, domed churches, imposing windmills, and a labyrinth of winding streets designed to disorient pirates. Everywhere there is a dash of bright, bold blue – doors, shutters and window frames, sea and sky. The harbor bustles with colorful fishing boats, vendors selling fish and locals gathered with visitors in the casual seaside cafes. The port even comes with two beloved mascots, the pelicans Petros and Irini. Less More




Fecha 3

14 Mayo '24

Dikili (Pergamum), Turkey
On a terrace cut into a nearby hill, the Greeks built the city of Pergamum in the 3rd century B.C., shortly after the death of Alexander the Great. One of the great cities of antiquity, it once held a library of over 200,000 volumes, which Mark Anthony later gave to Cleopatra as a wedding gift to enrich the library of Alexandria. Nearby Asclepius was a major center of medicine in classical times, when the staff was headed by Galen. In the modern town of Bergama, the museum holds artifacts from Archaic, Hellenic, Roman and Byzantine periods. Less More




Fecha 4

15 Mayo '24

Bodrum, Turkey
Today Bodrum is a picturesque yacht harbor filled with traditional wood-varnished sailboats, charming outdoor cafes and streets bursting with small shops selling carpets, leatherwear, jewelry and local artwork. In antiquity, it was the site of ancient Halicarnassus. Under King Mausolus, the city prospered, and in death, the king left the city its most enduring legacy, his majestic tomb, from which we derive the term “mausoleum.” Only its massive foundations remain today but it was the largest tomb ever built by the Greeks and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Models on the site recreate its form for visitors. Alexander the Great attacked the city in 334 BC, leveling all but the Mausoleum, which was later destroyed by an earthquake. When the Knights of St. John lost their castle in Smyrna in 1402, they came here. Finding the mausoleum in ruins, they used the stone to construct the Castle of St. Peter, which proudly stood sentinel to the city. Together with their fortifications on Kos and Rhodes, the Knights dominated the southeastern Aegean, running a hospital for passing pilgrims and ruling the seas as privateers in swift vessels. They remained until 1523, when Ottoman ruler, Suleyman the Magnificent, conquered Rhodes and the Knights’ position became untenable. The castle still dominates the harbor and houses an archeological museum. Less More




Fecha 5

16 Mayo '24

Kusadasi (Ephesus), Turkey
Kusadasi, which means “bird island,” is set in a superb gulf known for its sparkling water, broad sandy beaches and large marina. The city has managed to retain a certain earthiness while doing a brisk trade in Turkish carpets and leather goods to visitors. The town’s old quarter is a picturesque maze of winding streets and houses adorned with flowers and birdcages. In the center stands a 17th-century caravanserai, now converted into a hotel. The resort is also gateway to important sites of archaeological and religious interest. Less More




Fecha 6

17 Mayo '24

At Sea




Fecha 7

18 Mayo '24

Sami, Cephalonia, Greece
Located on the east coast of Kefalonia, Sami is home to beautiful beaches and pleasant cafés and tavernas around the harbor that provide an ideal setting to soak up the traditional Greek atmosphere. Situated on a hill to the south of town are the ruins of ancient Sami, where visitors will find a fascinating site consisting of artifacts spanning several different civilizations over thousands of years. Less More




Fecha 8

19 Mayo '24

Kerkira, Corfu, Greece
A scant few miles off the Albanian coast lies the island of Corfu, one of the most richly endowed of all the Greek Isles. Praised by Homer in “The Odyssey” and selected by Shakespeare as the setting for “The Tempest,” the island retains evidence of cultural heritage from each of its past rulers – Byzantium, Venice, France, Russia and Great Britain. Rolling acres of olive groves, small orchards of lemon and orange trees, tall cypress, oleander, and myrtle bushes lend a lush, verdant look to the island. While the oldest part of Corfu Town has cobblestone lanes so narrow only pedestrian travel is possible, the modern sector has wide avenues. Residents boast that its “Spianada” is the largest and most beautiful square in all Greece. Less More




Fecha 9

20 Mayo '24

At Sea




Fecha 10

21 Mayo '24

Rovinj, Croatia
Nestled among the myriad islets of the Istrian coast in the Gulf of Venice, the charming harbor of Rovinj is comprised of candy-colored buildings, fringed with marinas and dominated by the fairytale spire of the Cathedral of Saint Euphemia, modeled on St. Marks’ in Venice. The old town is a treasury of historic monuments – a 13th-century Romanesque baptistry, a baroque City Hall, and an 18th-century monastery – all tucked among cobbled streets that invite exploration. Known as the “Montmartre of Istria,” this is an artists’ colony with many galleries. Less More




Fecha 11

22 Mayo '24

Venice, Italy
The first settlement of the marshy islands in the lagoon was for protection from barbarian tribes that terrorized mainland farms and villages. Island living quickly led to the development of skills in handling boats, then ships. Maritime trade conducted by shrewd merchants brought great wealth, which permitted the building of palaces, churches and monuments. The city became the center of the vast Venetian empire, its name forever summoning visions of grandeur, magnificence, richness, graciousness and beauty. Although later linked to the mainland, first by a railway bridge built in 1848 and then by a motor causeway in 1930, this island city will always be considered the “Queen of the Sea.” There are no cars in Venice; all transportation is by boat or on foot along the time-worn, cobblestone streets and across some 400 bridges that span the city’s 177 canals. Enchanting Venice truly offers an atmosphere that exists nowhere else. Less More




Fecha 12

23 Mayo '24

Koper, Slovenia
Located on the tip of Istria, Slovenia’s main port was an island until the 19th century, but local history goes back much further. Called Aegida by the Greeks, Capris by the Romans and Justinopolis in Byzantine times, Koper was the influential city in the Venetian Empire and five mayors sat on the throne of the Venetian doges. Today monuments of this Golden Age line the cobblestone streets of an Old Town that boasts a wealth of architecture, cultural monuments and intriguing shops. Less More




Fecha 13

24 Mayo '24

Opatija, Croatia
On the western peninsula of Croatia, just south west of the city of Rijeka Croatia, lies the beautiful town of Opatija. Anyone visiting the area will instantly understand why this small Croatian village of just 8,000 inhabitants is so popular. With its breathtaking views over the Adriatic towards the Kvarner Islands and up towards the Istrian mountains in the distance, Opatija really is a place of natural beauty. It is an ideal holiday resort, with its lovely mild climate, extensive beaches and 43-kilometre coastline. The European elite frequented the town for many centuries, earning it the well-deserved title, “The Adriatic Nice”. Less More




Fecha 14

25 Mayo '24

At Sea




Fecha 15

26 Mayo '24

Dubrovnik, Croatia
Founded in the 7th century, Dubrovnik rose to greatness as a merchant state, independent republic and cultural crossroads. The traffic-free Old Town has been called a Croatian Athens. This UNESCO designated World Heritage Site is a living museum of the ages with fortifications, chapels, monastic cloisters and Europe’s second-oldest synagogue crowded into its ancient walls. Relax at a sidewalk café, listen to the chimes of the 14th-century bell tower or join the promenade down the palace-lined avenue known as the Stradun. Less More




Fecha 16

27 Mayo '24

Kotor, Montenegro
One of the best preserved medieval towns of the Adriatic, Kotor is protected by UNESCO. Between 1420 and 1797, the area was under the rule of the Republic of Venice and the Venetian influence can be seen in its architecture. The Gulf of Kotor is sometimes called the southernmost fjord in Europe, although it is actually a submerged river canyon. The overhanging limestone cliffs of Orjen and Lovcen complete one of the Mediterranean’s most beautiful landscapes. Less More




Fecha 17

28 Mayo '24

Durres is a very ancient city, but today its antiquities are only visible intermittently. Originally a Greek colony, it has endured Roman and Byzantine rule and more recently a long, dark chapter under a severe Communist dictatorship. It is a busy port, located at the narrowest passage of the Adriatic Sea just across from Bari, Italy. Notable sites in Durres itself include a large, but only partially unearthed Roman amphitheater, built in the 2nd Century AD by the Emperor Trajan. It is a candidate for UNESCO World Heritage inscription, surrounded and in a few cases actually occupied by modern housing. Nearby, a colonnade of a 5th Century Byzantine marketplace is another surviving relic. From Durres, you can also visit the Albania’s capital, Tirana, a vibrant modern city flexing its muscles after its long enforced isolation. The large National History Museum has an extensive and fascinating collection, including a pavilion containing numerous Eastern Orthodox icons by the master of color Onufri, and another dedicated to the late Albanian nun Mother Teresa. East of Tirana, an Austrian-built cable car can carry visitors up the slopes to panoramic views at the Mt. Dajti National Park. Less More




Fecha 18

29 Mayo '24

At Sea




Fecha 19

30 Mayo '24

Lipari, Italy
Lipari is the largest of the seven major islands making up the Aeolian Islands. They were originally named after Aeolus, the mythical god of wind who the ancients believed made his home in a cave here. Recently renamed the Lipari Islands, they were created by volcanic eruptions thousands of years ago and have a primitive rocky beauty accented by Mediterranean greenery. Their natural beauty and easy lifestyle have made the islands increasingly popular for those who wish to escape the modern world and its stresses. The crystal clear aqua-blue waters and the volcanic beaches are some of the most inviting in Italy. Many are inaccessible except by fishermens’ boats. An abundance of fish and shell fish makes for some very good restaurants specializing in seafood. Less More




Fecha 19

30 Mayo '24

At Sea




Fecha 20

31 Mayo '24

Amalfi, Italy
The Amalfi Coast has been called the greatest meeting of land and sea on earth. Situated in the Campania region between Sorrento and Salerno, Amalfi and Positano are the two main towns on the world-famous Amalfi Drive – renowned as the most scenic and romantic road in Italy. The road is carved into the side of rocky cliffs plunging into the sparkling sea. Erosion has sculpted the rocky slopes into gargoyle shapes and hollowed out fairy grottoes where the air is tinted turquoise by the glowing blue water below. During the Middle Ages, Amalfi was an independent maritime state with a population of 50,000. The ship compass was invented here in 1302. Approximately 10 miles away from Amalfi is the village of Ravello. An enchanting village with wonderful views and quiet lanes, Ravello boasts romantic gardens surrounding medieval ruins, affording magnificent views of the entire Bay of Salerno. Less More




Fecha 21

01 Jun '24

Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy
Originally built by Emperor Trajan who had a villa here, Civitavecchia has flourished as a major port for Rome since the 13th century. Today it is an important ferry terminal and for many travelers the gateway to the Eternal City, Rome. The Renaissance fortifications that surround the harbor area were begun by Bramante and completed by Michelangelo in 1535. Less More




Barco - Seabourn Quest

Seabourn Quest es la tercera iteración del diseño del recipiente que se ha llamado “un cambio de juego para el segmento de lujo”. Construido en el astillero T. Mariotti de Génova, fue nombrada en Barcelona el 20 de junio de 2011. Fiel a sus lineas de sangre del Seabourn, donde quiera que navega alrededor del mundo, Seabourn Quest lleva con ella un grupo de galardonados lugares para comer que son comparables a los mejores restaurantes que se encuentran en cualquier lugar. Bajo la dirección del famoso chef Charlie Palmer, Seabourn Quest ofrece una variedad de opciones gastronómicas para todos los gustos y cada estado de ánimo, con nunca un cargo extra. El restaurante es el lugar principal de comedor a bordo, que sirve varios platos desayunos, almuerzos y cenas en un estilo de turno libre en medio de un ambiente refinado de relucientes sábanas blancas, paredes de alabastro pulido, que fluye cortinas transparentes y brillantes lámparas de araña de cristal. Los menús reflejan la insistencia del chef Palmer en ingredientes frescos, de alta calidad, la preparación magistral y presentaciones atractivas. En una firma Seabourn saludo a la personalización, los huéspedes están invitados a pedir del menú del restaurante durante las horas de servicio extendidos, y tienen su comida servida en la intimidad de sus suites o en sus terrazas. Situado hasta el final a popa en la cubierta 8, la Columnata es una opción de interior / exterior más informal, muy popular que sirve desayunos bufé de estilo estación de lujo y almuerzos. Cenas en el Colonnade son menús regional con temas preparados en la cocina abierta y servidos en la mesa. Restaurant 2 es un ambiente íntimo donde los huéspedes pueden disfrutar de pequeñas placas innovadores menús de degustación cada noche con reserva previa. El Patio Grill es una alternativa informal junto a la piscina que ofrece comidas para almuerzos y cenas, así como pizzas recién horneadas de su horno de toda la tarde en el lugar. Barbacoas en la playa festivos son destacados frecuentes en los cruceros de aguas cálidas, con parrillas de carne-y-mariscos de lujo y Firma del Seabourn Caviar en el caso de la resaca. Una amplia selección de deliciosos platos, desde aperitivos hasta postres deliciosos están disponible en el servicio en su suite las 24 horas del día.

Sala de Estar
Centro comercial

Spa y Salon Greenhouse

Mini Golf 9-hoyos
Sala de Juegos
Puerto Deportivo

Fitness Center (Gimnasio)
Centro de Bienestar

Patio Bar Mariners
Patio Grill (Asador)
Patio Lounge
Bar Sky
The Colonnade
The Grill (hamburguesas y perros calientes)
The Restaurant 2

Entertaiment Team
Gaming Club Casino
Theatre (Teatro)

Internet Cafe

  • Descripción

    Seabourn Quest es la tercera iteración del diseño del recipiente que se ha llamado “un cambio de juego para el segmento de lujo”. Construido en el astillero T. Mariotti de Génova, fue nombrada en Barcelona el 20 de junio de 2011. Fiel a sus lineas de sangre del Seabourn, donde quiera que navega alrededor del mundo, Seabourn Quest lleva con ella un grupo de galardonados lugares para comer que son comparables a los mejores restaurantes que se encuentran en cualquier lugar. Bajo la dirección del famoso chef Charlie Palmer, Seabourn Quest ofrece una variedad de opciones gastronómicas para todos los gustos y cada estado de ánimo, con nunca un cargo extra. El restaurante es el lugar principal de comedor a bordo, que sirve varios platos desayunos, almuerzos y cenas en un estilo de turno libre en medio de un ambiente refinado de relucientes sábanas blancas, paredes de alabastro pulido, que fluye cortinas transparentes y brillantes lámparas de araña de cristal. Los menús reflejan la insistencia del chef Palmer en ingredientes frescos, de alta calidad, la preparación magistral y presentaciones atractivas. En una firma Seabourn saludo a la personalización, los huéspedes están invitados a pedir del menú del restaurante durante las horas de servicio extendidos, y tienen su comida servida en la intimidad de sus suites o en sus terrazas. Situado hasta el final a popa en la cubierta 8, la Columnata es una opción de interior / exterior más informal, muy popular que sirve desayunos bufé de estilo estación de lujo y almuerzos. Cenas en el Colonnade son menús regional con temas preparados en la cocina abierta y servidos en la mesa. Restaurant 2 es un ambiente íntimo donde los huéspedes pueden disfrutar de pequeñas placas innovadores menús de degustación cada noche con reserva previa. El Patio Grill es una alternativa informal junto a la piscina que ofrece comidas para almuerzos y cenas, así como pizzas recién horneadas de su horno de toda la tarde en el lugar. Barbacoas en la playa festivos son destacados frecuentes en los cruceros de aguas cálidas, con parrillas de carne-y-mariscos de lujo y Firma del Seabourn Caviar en el caso de la resaca. Una amplia selección de deliciosos platos, desde aperitivos hasta postres deliciosos están disponible en el servicio en su suite las 24 horas del día.

  • Otras Facilidades

    Sala de Estar
    Centro comercial

  • Para Relajarse

    Spa y Salon Greenhouse

  • Recreación

    Mini Golf 9-hoyos
    Sala de Juegos
    Puerto Deportivo

  • Deportes

    Fitness Center (Gimnasio)
    Centro de Bienestar

  • Comida y bebida

    Patio Bar Mariners
    Patio Grill (Asador)
    Patio Lounge
    Bar Sky
    The Colonnade
    The Grill (hamburguesas y perros calientes)
    The Restaurant 2

  • Entretenimiento

    Entertaiment Team
    Gaming Club Casino
    Theatre (Teatro)

  • Tecnología

    Internet Cafe



    La Suite Seabourn incluye una mesa de comedor para dos personas, sala de estar y dormitorio, gran ventanal, armario y TV de pantalla plana.


    Located on Decks 7, 8, 9 and 10; Approximately 300 square feet (28 square meters) of inside space, plus one veranda of 65 square feet (6 square meters) A full-length window and glass door to private veranda Comfortable living area Queen-size bed or two twin beds Dining table for two Walk-in closet Interactive flat-screen television with music and movies Fully stocked bar and refrigerator Makeup vanity Spacious bathroom with separate tub and shower


    Approximately 526 & 593 square feet (49 to 55 square meters) of inside space, plus one veranda of 133 & 354 square feet (12 to 33 square meters) Owner’s Suites feature: Expansive ocean views Forward-facing windows Dining for four to six Bathroom with whirlpool bathtub Guest bath Pantry with wet bar Two flat-screen TVs Complimentary Internet/Wi-Fi service
