7 días a bordo del Celebrity Xpedition

Celebrity Cruises
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Baltra (Galapagos) - North Seymour (Galapagos) - South Plaza (Santa Cruz) - Santa Fe Island - Punta Pitt (San Cristobal) - P. Baquerizo (San Cristobal) - Bahia Post Office, Floreana - Cormorant Point (Floreana) - Elizabeth Bay - Punta Moreno (isabela) - Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz) - Gardner Bay (Espanola) - Punta Suarez (Espanola) - Baltra (Galapagos)
Fecha 1

10 Aug '24

Baltra (Galapagos)
During World War II, Baltra served as a U.S. military base protecting the Panama Canal from enemy attack. Now the cactus-strewn landscapes of Baltra are home to the region’s main airport and where you will meet the ship. After just a short bus and zodiac ride you will be aboard. Your luggage will be delivered straight to your stateroom, giving you the opportunity to explore the Celebrity Xpedition, a 296-foot mega-yacht and your home for the week. Less More




Fecha 1

10 Aug '24

North Seymour (Galapagos)
North Seymour Island is just north of Baltra and was formed through a series of sporadic uplifts. It took about a million years for the island to reach its current level. Now above the sea, the layers of lava that originally erupted underwater have created a low-lying island packed with wildlife. The island is home to the largest nesting colony of frigatebirds in the Galapagos along with blue-footed boobies, finches, land iguanas, marine iguanas, and sea lions. A hike along shore and into the island’s interior brings you up close and personal to just about everything the island has to offer. You can also choose to go on a short Zodiac ride along the coast to search for fur seals, sea lions, and red-billed tropic birds. And for the more adventurous and experienced, jump in for a deep-water snorkel. Less More




Fecha 2

11 Aug '24

South Plaza (Santa Cruz)
A small uplifted island just off the northeast coast of Santa Cruz. The island’s low-lying landscape is covered with colorful saltbush, scrub, and giant prickly pear cactus. A subspecies of land iguana is found on the island in plentiful abundance and sometimes can be seen munching on the cactus. The southern cliffs are steep and rocky, and home to numerous seabirds as well as a bachelor colony of sea lions. Looking down into the clear blue waters, schools of surgeonfish swim by as birds shoot in and out of the holes in the cliff. A short hike and Zodiac ride provide ample opportunity to observe the beauty and wildlife of the island. Less More




Fecha 2

11 Aug '24

Santa Fe Island
Santa Fe Island lies to the southeast of Santa Cruz Island; located at the center of the Galapagos archipelago. It is also called Barrington Island, after British Admiral Samuel Barrington. Geologically, it one of the oldest of the volcanic islands, with rock formations beneath the surface of the water dating back almost four million years. Santa Fe Island is home to the Santa Fe land iguana and the Santa Fe rice rat, an invasive species. Large numbers of sea lions reside here as well, and can often be seen “surfing” in the waves along the coast or sunning on the beaches. The island is also home to the longest running research project on marine iguanas, begun in the late 1970’s. There is a single visitor site on the island, and three marine sites. The vegetation here is characterized by a dense forest of the giant Santa Fe cactus. Two trails can be found on Sante Fe Island. One is a short loop that provides an up-close look at the massive Santa Fe cacti. Santa Fe land iguanas and Galapagos hawks can be observed from this trail as well. The second trail climbs a steep cliff, providing a dramatic view of the inland section of the island. Underneath the surface of the waves below, sea lions are the main attraction along with sea turtles, rays and Galapagos sharks. Less More




Fecha 3

12 Aug '24

Punta Pitt (San Cristobal)
Pitt Point is located on the northeastern tip of San Cristobal Island. After disembarking onto the small greensand beach, you’ll hike up to a plateau, where the view and landscape are so spectacular it is well worth the effort. A steep gully leads up the cliff to a breeding ground for all three varieties of boobies: red-footed, blue-footed, and Nazca. It’s one of the few places in the Galapagos where you can see all three species nesting together. Less More




Fecha 3

12 Aug '24

P. Baquerizo (San Cristobal)
Here we have the opportunity to visit the small waterfront town of Puerto Baquerizo, the administrative capital of the islands. Excursion options include a tour of a local interpretation center and time for shopping or a fast-paced long walk to view scenic vistas, followed by a visit to the interpretation center. Less More




Fecha 4

13 Aug '24

Bahia Post Office, Floreana
Bahia Post Office, Floreana Less More




Fecha 4

13 Aug '24

Cormorant Point (Floreana)
Floreana was the first capital of the Galapagos and where Charles Darwin met the islands’ Governor. Its small brackish lagoon is often home to flamingos, stilts, and white-cheeked pintail ducks, and one of its beaches is a highly used nesting site for sea turtles. Check out the green-hued sand where you land! Excursion options include a relatively short walk to the lagoon and sea turtle-nesting beach, and optional snorkeling and swimming at the landing beach. In addition, for experienced snorkelers only we offer a deepwater snorkel at nearby Champion Island. Less More




Fecha 5

14 Aug '24

Elizabeth Bay
A prized stop along Isabela’s coastline. It is a sheltered inlet and one of the westernmost points in the Galapagos. A scenic zodiac ride offers excellent wildlife viewing and access to a rich mangrove ecosystem. Blue-footed boobies, pelicans, and nesting flightless cormorants perch on small rocky islands in the Bay. Penguins often pop up when you least expect it and nearby blue-footed boobies dive into the sea like missiles. The Zodiacs carefully cruise into the shallower reaches of the ecosystem to look for rays, sea turtles, and schools of fish. Great blue herons and Galapagos hawks can also be seen within the branches of the mangroves. Less More




Fecha 5

14 Aug '24

Punta Moreno (isabela)
Punta Moreno is one of the least visited sites on Isabela due to its remote location and difficult access. Stark black volcanic rocks cover the landscape and when juxtaposed with the brilliant green of lush plant growth around ponds, it makes for a spectacular sight. Add a mix of coastal wildlife and it’s a visitor’s delight. Here, you can go on an extended Zodiac ride to view blue-footed boobies, pelicans, and the flightless cormorant while searching in the water for fast swimming penguins, rays, and maybe even a shark or two. Another option is a hike over the black lava rock to observe coastal ponds where sea turtles and sharks often reside and then head inland to what seems like an oasis—an interior lake where flamingos are often found. Less More




Fecha 6

15 Aug '24

Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz)
Santa Cruz is the second-largest island in the Galapagos and home to Puerto Ayora (the largest town in the islands). In 1959, the Ecuadorian government declared all the islands, except areas already colonized, as a national park. In the same year, the Charles Darwin Foundation was founded to promote scientific research and ensure the conservation of the Galapagos. In 1992, the waters surrounding the Galapagos were declared a marine reserve. Here, you have the opportunity to visit a giant tortoise reserve in the lushly vegetated highlands, where the animals roam free in their natural habitat. On another excursion, a short drive through town brings you to the Galapagos Park Service giant tortoise breeding station and the Charles Darwin Research Station. Afterwards there is time to wander through the lovely streets of Puerto Ayora for some shopping. Less More




Fecha 7

16 Aug '24

Gardner Bay (Espanola)
Gardner Bay on Espanola’s northern side hosts one of the longest beaches in the Galapagos, and a beautiful way to start the day. During a morning walk along a soft white sand beach, you’ll visit a sea lion colony, look for pups playing in shallow water pools, and search for the startlingly red Sally Lightfoot crabs, shorebirds, and marine iguanas. Afterwards, go for a swim, snorkel or just relax on the sparkling white sand. Less More




Fecha 7

16 Aug '24

Punta Suarez (Espanola)
One of Espanola’s and the islands true gems, Punta Suarez is where wildlife viewing is at its very best. A hike from the beach over boulders to the steep southern cliffs leads to a dramatic blowhole where water can gush up to 50 feet into the air. Along the way, you’ll pass through a sea lion colony (make sure you avoid stepping on colorful marine iguanas), and walk past an abundance of Nazca boobies nesting on the nearby rocks. Blue-footed boobies, Galapagos hawks, mockingbirds, finches, and red-billed tropic birds also make their home at this end of the island. From about May to December, Espanola hosts the only colony of Waved Albatross in the Galapagos. It’s a special treat to catch a courtship dance or watch the juveniles try to take off at the Albatross Airport. Less More




Fecha 8

17 Aug '24

Baltra (Galapagos)
During World War II, Baltra served as a U.S. military base protecting the Panama Canal from enemy attack. Now the cactus-strewn landscapes of Baltra are home to the region’s main airport and where you will meet the ship. After just a short bus and zodiac ride you will be aboard. Your luggage will be delivered straight to your stateroom, giving you the opportunity to explore the Celebrity Xpedition, a 296-foot mega-yacht and your home for the week. Less More




Barco - Celebrity Xpedition

Ponga un pie a bordo de nuestro vanguardista Celebrity Xpedition y prepárese para una experiencia sin igual. Este espacioso barco de 48 pasajeros es el que nos puo por primera vez en el mapa de las Galápagos. Las recientes actualizaciones de este buque, que ha cambiado las reglas del juego, han añadido aún más lujo, sin sacrificar un ápice de autenticidad. Disfrutará de mimos personalizados, como el servicio de habitaciones, cenas en la suite, albornoces de felpa gratuitos, una sala de fitness, conferencias nocturnas a cargo de naturalistas certificados del Parque Nacional de Galápagos (que están a bordo durante toda la navegación), música en directo y mucho más. Estos son solo algunos de los refinamientos únicos y los toques altamente personalizados que hacen del Celebrity Xpedition uno de los barcos más premiados de las Islas Galápagos.

Salon de Belleza
Cubierta Sol
Cubierta Sunrise

Bar Blue Finch

  • Descripción

    Ponga un pie a bordo de nuestro vanguardista Celebrity Xpedition y prepárese para una experiencia sin igual. Este espacioso barco de 48 pasajeros es el que nos puo por primera vez en el mapa de las Galápagos. Las recientes actualizaciones de este buque, que ha cambiado las reglas del juego, han añadido aún más lujo, sin sacrificar un ápice de autenticidad. Disfrutará de mimos personalizados, como el servicio de habitaciones, cenas en la suite, albornoces de felpa gratuitos, una sala de fitness, conferencias nocturnas a cargo de naturalistas certificados del Parque Nacional de Galápagos (que están a bordo durante toda la navegación), música en directo y mucho más. Estos son solo algunos de los refinamientos únicos y los toques altamente personalizados que hacen del Celebrity Xpedition uno de los barcos más premiados de las Islas Galápagos.

  • Para Relajarse

    Salon de Belleza
    Cubierta Sol
    Cubierta Sunrise

  • Comida y bebida

    Bar Blue Finch



    Dos camas bajas Ocean View área de descanso servicio en la habitación La entrega del equipaje en el embarque Edredón y la almohada-top colchón secador del pelo Uso gratuito de albornoz premium Frette ® Dos camas individuales, convertibles a queen (excepto donde se indique lo contrario) Voltaje dual 110/220 AC Servicio de toallas de playa de cortesía Abundante espacio de almacenamiento en su cuarto de baño y un armario Servicio de lavandería * Prismáticos de calidad para el uso y disponibles para su compra Televisores de pantalla plana con reproductor de DVD Teléfono de línea directa Caja fuerte individual escritorio Aire acondicionado controlado por termostato frigorífico privado Mp3 estación de acoplamiento


    Suite Garantizada


  • Fecha
  • 1st Jun '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Xpedition
    Celebrity Xpedition- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Outside precio de

    $7,459* /por persona

  • 8th Jun '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Xpedition
    Celebrity Xpedition- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Outside precio de

    $7,539* /por persona

  • 15th Jun '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Xpedition
    Celebrity Xpedition- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Outside precio de

    $7,519* /por persona

  • 22nd Jun '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Xpedition
    Celebrity Xpedition- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Suite precio de

    $7,948* /por persona

  • 29th Jun '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Xpedition
    Celebrity Xpedition- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Outside precio de

    $7,059* /por persona

*Basado en Twinshare cabin
