21 días a bordo del Seabourn Encore

  • 13 Julio 2025
  • 21 Noches
  • Salida desde Piraeus (Athens), Greece
  • Balcón precio desde
  • Suite precio desde


Piraeus (Athens), Greece - Skiathos , Greek Isles - Kavala, Greece - Dikili (Pergamum), Turkey - Bodrum, Turkey - Thira (Santorini), Greece - Piraeus (Athens), Greece - Gythion, Greece - Chania, Crete, Greece - Mykonos, Greece - Kusadasi (Ephesus), Turkey - Cesme - Istanbul, Turkey - Canakkale, Turkey - Izmir, Turkey - Patmos, Greece - Rhodes, Greece - Spetsai, Nisos Spetsai (Spetses), Greece - Piraeus (Athens), Greece
Fecha 1

13 Jul '25

Piraeus (Athens), Greece
Piraeus has been the port for Athens since 482 BC. The busy harbor is filled with ferries and cruise ships making their way to the Greek Islands and other Mediterranean cities. The busy metropolis of Athens and its treasure trove of antiquities lie just a few miles from the port. Even as the reality of the modern city took hold, with its high-rise apartments, crowded sidewalks and bustling traffic, the beauty of the Acropolis, the outstanding museums, charming cafés, sidewalk markets and startling views come together in a cultural mosaic for all to enjoy. Less More




Fecha 2

14 Jul '25

Skiathos , Greek Isles
The lively island of Skiathos, one of the Sporades, boasts no less than 60 inviting beaches around its perimeter. Many of these have been developed and are easily reached by taxi or bus, while others remain more isolated and require transport by boat. The island’s medieval Kastro, high atop a hillside, once protected 30 churches and 300 houses from various invaders. No organized excursions are available. Please check on board for suggestions. Less More




Fecha 3

15 Jul '25

Kavala, Greece
Kavala is a city in northern Greece, the principal seaport of eastern Macedonia and the capital of Kavala regional unit. It is situated on the Bay of Kavala, across from the island of Thasos and on the Egnatia motorway, a one-and-a-half-hour drive to Thessaloniki and a forty-minute drive to Drama and Xanthi. Less More




Fecha 4

16 Jul '25

At Sea




Fecha 5

17 Jul '25

Dikili (Pergamum), Turkey
On a terrace cut into a nearby hill, the Greeks built the city of Pergamum in the 3rd century B.C., shortly after the death of Alexander the Great. One of the great cities of antiquity, it once held a library of over 200,000 volumes, which Mark Anthony later gave to Cleopatra as a wedding gift to enrich the library of Alexandria. Nearby Asclepius was a major center of medicine in classical times, when the staff was headed by Galen. In the modern town of Bergama, the museum holds artifacts from Archaic, Hellenic, Roman and Byzantine periods. Less More




Fecha 6

18 Jul '25

Bodrum, Turkey
Today Bodrum is a picturesque yacht harbor filled with traditional wood-varnished sailboats, charming outdoor cafes and streets bursting with small shops selling carpets, leatherwear, jewelry and local artwork. In antiquity, it was the site of ancient Halicarnassus. Under King Mausolus, the city prospered, and in death, the king left the city its most enduring legacy, his majestic tomb, from which we derive the term “mausoleum.” Only its massive foundations remain today but it was the largest tomb ever built by the Greeks and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Models on the site recreate its form for visitors. Alexander the Great attacked the city in 334 BC, leveling all but the Mausoleum, which was later destroyed by an earthquake. When the Knights of St. John lost their castle in Smyrna in 1402, they came here. Finding the mausoleum in ruins, they used the stone to construct the Castle of St. Peter, which proudly stood sentinel to the city. Together with their fortifications on Kos and Rhodes, the Knights dominated the southeastern Aegean, running a hospital for passing pilgrims and ruling the seas as privateers in swift vessels. They remained until 1523, when Ottoman ruler, Suleyman the Magnificent, conquered Rhodes and the Knights’ position became untenable. The castle still dominates the harbor and houses an archeological museum. Less More




Fecha 7

19 Jul '25

Thira (Santorini), Greece
“Thira, the Wild Island” and “Kalliste, the Fairest One” – all terms of endearment for this seductive, volcanic Greek island in the Sea of Crete. Extraordinary for its black sand beaches and sheer limestone cliffs, Santorini also showcases remnants of the Phoenician, Spartan and Minoan cultures, which fell under the island’s spell – an unvarying, irresistible lure that continues to this day. Fira, the picturesque, pedestrian-only capital, is reached from the seaport via a short cable car ride that offers thrilling views as you ascend. Less More




Fecha 8

20 Jul '25

Piraeus (Athens), Greece
Piraeus has been the port for Athens since 482 BC. The busy harbor is filled with ferries and cruise ships making their way to the Greek Islands and other Mediterranean cities. The busy metropolis of Athens and its treasure trove of antiquities lie just a few miles from the port. Even as the reality of the modern city took hold, with its high-rise apartments, crowded sidewalks and bustling traffic, the beauty of the Acropolis, the outstanding museums, charming cafés, sidewalk markets and startling views come together in a cultural mosaic for all to enjoy. Less More




Fecha 9

21 Jul '25

Gythion, Greece
Gythion, the small port town for Sparta, edges its way up the hillside, which surrounds the harbor. According to Homer, Paris and Helen spent their first night together here, on a tiny islet in the bay. To commemorate the occasion, Paris erected a shrine to Aphrodite, goddess of love, only to have it torn down by the vengeful Menelaus after he recaptured Helen. In its place Menelaus erected statues honoring Praxidica (Punishment) and Themis (Justice). Not far away, at the tip of the Peloponnese, lies the Mani, a distinctive area unlike anything else in Greece. This desolate region of underground lakes and rivers and windswept landscapes is strangely beautiful. To the north of Gythion lie Sparta and Mystra, well worth a visit. Less More




Fecha 10

22 Jul '25

Chania, Crete, Greece
Lying along the north coast of Crete is Chania, the second largest city of the island. Chania is bordered by endless stretches of seashore, with inlets and islands of exotic beauty and sandy beaches tucked away at the foot of the island’s forbidding mountains. This is a self-sufficient region that is blessed with rich flora and fauna, as well as impressive gorges, holy caves, rivers and lush, green plains blanketed with citrus groves. The city of Chania is comprised of two sections, the old town and the larger modern city. Situated next to the old harbor, the old town is the focal point from which the urban area has developed. Some of the eastern and western parts of the original old Venetian fortifications from the 1500s that surrounded the town have survived and can still be seen. Less More




Fecha 11

23 Jul '25

Mykonos, Greece
The quintessential Greek island of Mykonos is marked by whitewashed houses, domed churches, imposing windmills, and a labyrinth of winding streets designed to disorient pirates. Everywhere there is a dash of bright, bold blue – doors, shutters and window frames, sea and sky. The harbor bustles with colorful fishing boats, vendors selling fish and locals gathered with visitors in the casual seaside cafes. The port even comes with two beloved mascots, the pelicans Petros and Irini. Less More




Fecha 12

24 Jul '25

Kusadasi (Ephesus), Turkey
Kusadasi, which means “bird island,” is set in a superb gulf known for its sparkling water, broad sandy beaches and large marina. The city has managed to retain a certain earthiness while doing a brisk trade in Turkish carpets and leather goods to visitors. The town’s old quarter is a picturesque maze of winding streets and houses adorned with flowers and birdcages. In the center stands a 17th-century caravanserai, now converted into a hotel. The resort is also gateway to important sites of archaeological and religious interest. Less More




Fecha 13

25 Jul '25

A popular holiday and resort destination, Cesme is located on a promontory on the tip of a peninsula that carries the same name. The town itself is dominated by the medieval Cesme Castle, while the back streets invite a casual stroll with their old Ottoman and Greek houses that charm passers-by. South of the castle there is an Ottoman caravanserai built in 1528 that has since been transformed into a lovely boutique hotel, and check the Greek Orthodox church of Ayios Haralambos to see the current art exhibition. Along with the historical attractions, visitors will enjoy local pleasures, such as a dip in the thermal baths followed by the culinary delights of native fruits, artisan cheeses and local wines. Less More




Fecha 14

26 Jul '25

At Sea




Fecha 15

27 Jul '25

Istanbul, Turkey
Spanning Europe and Asia, exotic Istanbul is one of the world’s most fascinating cities. Domes and minarets enhance the skyline. In the old Stamboul area, traces remain of every city built since the community was established over 600 years before Christ. Once Rome’s eastern capital, Istanbul was also the center of the huge Ottoman Empire. Landmarks include Hagia Sophia, once Christendom’s greatest church; the Blue Mosque with its striking Iznik tiles; Topkapi Palace, containing a sultan’s ransom of treasures; Chora Church with its Byzantine mosaics; and the Grand Bazaar, the ultimate shopping experience. Less More




Fecha 16

28 Jul '25

Canakkale, Turkey
Between 1865 and 1866, English explorer Frank Calvert and German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann began digging trenches through a hillock outside Canakkale and discovered layer upon layer of ancient cities. Ultimately nine cities that had thrived and fallen atop each other were identified with the legendary Greek city of Troy. The site is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Less More




Fecha 17

29 Jul '25

Izmir, Turkey
The magnificent Aegean coast features no shortage of appealing ports of call, and Izmir is a fine example thereof. The birthplace of Homer has grown into a thriving metropolis, filled with fine hotels along its sweeping bay. A fine Archaeology Museum and Ethnography Museum house a multitude of treasures and exhibits, while nearby resorts provide distractions of another sort. Earthquakes and fires over the centuries have obliterated most of ancient Smyrna, as it was once known, but remnants of the 4th-century fort atop Mt. Pagos still provide excellent views of the city and Gulf of Izmir. Less More




Fecha 18

30 Jul '25

Patmos, Greece
Deserted for centuries because of constant raids by pirates and the Turks, this tiny arid island was first settled in 1088 when the Emperor of Constantinople made it a gift to the monk Christodoulos Latrnos so that he could establish a monastery in honor of St. John the Divine on the site. Patmos has been a place of scholarship and religious enlightenment ever since. Today this modern pilgrimage site is a quiet respite from the tourist havens many other Greek isles have become. Less More




Fecha 19

31 Jul '25

Rhodes, Greece
Best known of the Dodecanese Islands, Rhodes is a fascinating architectural patchwork of her past. Here the legacy of the ancient Greeks mingles with that of besieging Turks, crusading knights, and occupying Italians. Twin bronze deer, the symbol of Rhodes, guard the Mandraki Harbor where the 100-foot Colossus is said to have stood, a wonder of the ancient world. The medieval Crusader City is dominated by the Palace of the Grand Masters, while cobbled streets lead to the bustling bazaar and a lively harbor that is a center of the international yachting scene. Less More




Fecha 20

01 Aug '25

At Sea




Fecha 21

02 Aug '25

Spetsai, Nisos Spetsai (Spetses), Greece
Nicknamed “The Isle of the Aromas”, Spetsai is a delight to all of the senses. The island’s historic old town is a yachtsman’s paradise, boasting a stunning harbor, quaint shops and some of the finest restaurants in the Saronic Gulf. The rest of the island is relatively unpopulated and is ringed by a single road, along which you can travel in a horse-drawn carriage. As you pass by quiet, rolling hills, be sure to pause at one of the many quiet coves along the way to refresh yourself with a dip into the cerulean waters. Less More




Fecha 22

03 Aug '25

Piraeus (Athens), Greece
Piraeus has been the port for Athens since 482 BC. The busy harbor is filled with ferries and cruise ships making their way to the Greek Islands and other Mediterranean cities. The busy metropolis of Athens and its treasure trove of antiquities lie just a few miles from the port. Even as the reality of the modern city took hold, with its high-rise apartments, crowded sidewalks and bustling traffic, the beauty of the Acropolis, the outstanding museums, charming cafés, sidewalk markets and startling views come together in a cultural mosaic for all to enjoy. Less More




Barco - Seabourn Encore

El nuevo barco es tan sorprendente y hermoso y tan innovador emocionante como ningún Seabourn nunca ha debutado. Coronará una flota que ya es la más nueva, más moderna y más aclamada en el segmento de ultra-lujo. Siguiendo el modelo del galardonado trío de naves introducidas con Seabourn Odyssey en 2009, le damos la bienvenida al Seabourn Encore que representa otra etapa en la evolución del pequeño barco de crucero, el pionero Seabourn se ha ampliado y enriquecido constantemente. Uno de los buques gemelos Seabourn Ovation, está programada su entrega para 2018. Ambas hermanas entregarán una gran cantidad de nuevos conceptos, una visión fresca y una serie de ideas para iluminar las delicias de los viajeros más exigentes del mundo.

Sala de Tratamientos en Pareja
Sun Terrace
The Retreat (El Refugio)

Sala de Conferencias
Centro Medico

Gaming Club Casino
Photo Gallery
Theatre (Teatro)

Coffee Bar
Bar Sky
Sushi Bar
The Colonnade

Fitness Center (Gimnasio)
Centro de Bienestar

Sala de Juegos

Internet Cafe

  • Descripción

    El nuevo barco es tan sorprendente y hermoso y tan innovador emocionante como ningún Seabourn nunca ha debutado. Coronará una flota que ya es la más nueva, más moderna y más aclamada en el segmento de ultra-lujo. Siguiendo el modelo del galardonado trío de naves introducidas con Seabourn Odyssey en 2009, le damos la bienvenida al Seabourn Encore que representa otra etapa en la evolución del pequeño barco de crucero, el pionero Seabourn se ha ampliado y enriquecido constantemente. Uno de los buques gemelos Seabourn Ovation, está programada su entrega para 2018. Ambas hermanas entregarán una gran cantidad de nuevos conceptos, una visión fresca y una serie de ideas para iluminar las delicias de los viajeros más exigentes del mundo.

  • Para Relajarse

    Sala de Tratamientos en Pareja
    Sun Terrace
    The Retreat (El Refugio)

  • Otras Facilidades

    Sala de Conferencias
    Centro Medico

  • Entretenimiento

    Gaming Club Casino
    Photo Gallery
    Theatre (Teatro)

  • Comida y bebida

    Coffee Bar
    Bar Sky
    Sushi Bar
    The Colonnade

  • Deportes

    Fitness Center (Gimnasio)
    Centro de Bienestar

  • Recreación

    Sala de Juegos

  • Tecnología

    Internet Cafe



    Veranda Guarantee For F&F/TA/Interline


    Located on Deck 8; Combine mid-ship suites 800 and 804 for suite 8004 or suites 801 and 805 for suite 8015 for a total inside space of 1,292 square feet (120 square meters) plus two verandas totaling 244 square feet (23 square meters) Signature Suites feature Expansive ocean views Forward-facing windows Dining for four to six Bathroom with whirlpool bathtub Guest bath Pantry with wet bar Two flat-screen TVs Complimentary Internet/Wi-Fi service


  • Fecha
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    21 días a bordo del Seabourn Encore
    Seabourn Encore- 21Nights
    - 21 noches
  • 9th Jun '24
    21 días a bordo del Seabourn Encore
    Seabourn Encore- 21Nights
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  • 16th Jun '24
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    Seabourn Encore- 21Nights
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  • 23rd Jun '24
    21 días a bordo del Seabourn Encore
    Seabourn Encore- 21Nights
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  • 30th Jun '24
    21 días a bordo del Seabourn Encore
    Seabourn Encore- 21Nights
    - 21 noches

*Basado en Twinshare cabin
